As part of our conversion process, there are some key dates for you to keep in mind, some of which may impact your ability to complete transactions.

Oct. 18 - 31, 2021 – New Account and Transfer Blackout Period
New account setup and transfers will be suspended leading up to our conversion date, so please plan accordingly. These activities will resume on Nov.1.

Oct. 27 - 29, 2021 – Trading Blackout Period
There will be a brief period during which all trading and cash movements will be suspended. Final trades will need to be placed by Wednesday, Oct. 27. These activities will resume on Nov. 1 after all assets have migrated to our new system. Please be assured that we will keep our focus on the market and, should the situation warrant, we will resume trading during this period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we enhance your UMB customer experience.

Nov. 1, 2021 – UMB TotalWealth Goes Live; ACH and Wire Transfer Addresses Change
The new online portal, UMB TotalWealth, goes live at 5:00 am CT.

New addresses for correspondence with UMB Private Wealth Management, as well as new wire and ACH instructions will go into effect.

When sending wires or initiating ACH transactions, the bank address to list is as follows:

Wire Instructions
Receiving Bank: UMB Bank, n.a.
Receiving Bank Address: Kansas City, MO
ABA No.: 101000695
For Credit to: UMB Private Wealth Management Settlement SEI
A/C No.: 9872580109
For Further Credit to: (Client's UMB Private Wealth Management Account Registration)
For Further Credit A/C No.: (Client's UMB Private Wealth Management Account Number)

ACH Orders
Receiving Bank: UMB Bank NA
Receiving Bank Address: Kansas City, MO
ABA No.: 101000695
A/C No.: 9872580109
For Further Credit to: UMB Private Wealth Management (Client's UMB Private Wealth Management Account Registration)
For Further Credit A/C No.: (Client's UMB Private Wealth Management Account Number)

DTC Eligible Securities 

Participant ID: 2663
Institution ID: 78810
Agent Bank: 78810
Agent Bank ID A/C No.: 90430D
Interested Party ID: 64728
Interested Party ID A/C No.: Client's UMB Private Wealth Management Account Number

Federal Reserve Bank Book Entry
ABA No.: 042000013
FRB Mnemonic: U.S. Bank, N.A., Trust
Sub Account: 1050/TRUST
Sub Account: 001050985491
FFC: 90430F + End Client Account Number

Early Nov. 2021
October statements will be available in Investment Direct or will be delivered to you in the manner you normally receive your statement(s). Current transaction and performance data will no longer update in Investment Direct after Oct. 31.

Early Dec. 2021
November statements will be available in UMB TotalWealth or will be delivered to you in the manner you normally receive your statement(s).

Jan. 31, 2022
Investment Direct access ends. We encourage you to log in to Investment Direct and download any historical data you would like for your records prior to this date.

Why has the name of my bank changed to include “a division of UMB Bank, n.a.”?

UMB Bank, n.a., acquired HTLF Bank via merger in early 2025, and the name change marks part of an exciting, intentional period of transition.

In the coming months, we’ll provide more details about the transition to UMB and system conversion slated for later in 2025. That’s when we’ll integrate our systems, providing customers with access to an expanded offering of UMB financial services and solutions.

More information about the acquisition
HTLF Bank is now operating as UMB Bank, n.a., and the following divisions are now operating as divisions of UMB Bank, n.a.:
Arizona Bank & Trust
Bank of Blue Valley
Citywide Banks
Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T)
First Bank & Trust Texas
Illinois Bank & Trust
Minnesota Bank & Trust
New Mexico Bank & Trust
Premier Valley Bank
Wisconsin Bank & Trust

If you’d like more information about this transition, please visit UMB Investor Relations.

Why is UMB acquiring my bank? What makes this a good fit?

UMB and HTLF have similar values and cultures, with a shared focus on building personal relationships with our associates, customers and communities. With the acquisition, UMB has approximately $66 billion in assets (based on assets as of Sept. 30, 2024) and a broad reach, designed to offer our clients expanded banking opportunities.

After the transition is complete later in 2025, clients will have access to a comprehensive array of UMB banking services and solutions.

I’d like to know more about UMB. Who is UMB?

UMB Financial Corporation, the parent company of UMB Bank, n.a., is a financial services company headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, offering personal and private banking, commercial and institutional banking, wealth management, and healthcare services.

UMB is led by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mariner Kemper, a fifth-generation banker and the sixth Kemper CEO. Starting with a single bank founded in 1913, UMB has a solid foundation of relationship-based service and prudent business practices: 

  • The UMB business model emphasizes diverse revenue sources, high-quality credit and a strong balance sheet.
  • UMB has strong capital levels and a very strong liquidity position, along with a loan-to-deposit ratio that allows us to be there for customers during times of need
With more than 110 years of stability and soundness, UMB is a strong financial steward for our customers and advocate for our communities.

We invite you to learn more about UMB, exploring our company culture and history.

Do I need to do anything right now?

Right now, it’s business as usual. Please keep using your existing routing number, debit and credit cards, checks, etc., and continue to bank as you bank today. Your scheduled, automatic payments also stay the same for now. Most clients will be able to keep their same account numbers at this time. If your account number changes, we will notify you.

If you need to take action as a result of the acquisition, we'll provide you with additional information. We’ll also provide direct communication about the transition as we have more details, so please: 

  • Make sure your contact information is up to date. Review your mail and email addresses, mobile and home phone numbers for all your accounts.
  • Read your mail and email. We’ll keep you updated on changes and action items for your accounts.
  • Bookmark or save the link to this resource center. We’ll provide conversion news and applicable training information on this site, so please check back regularly.

What’s not changing right now?

Existing accounts, checks, debit and credit cards, and services like direct deposit and automated payments continue to work as they do today for most customers. We'll notify customers separately if there are any changes. You can continue to access your accounts as you normally do, including your current online banking access and mobile banking app.

You can also continue to contact your relationship manager, business banker, or customer care center for your banking needs and questions. Your branch banking hours are still the same as well.

What is changing right now?

Today, it’s mostly a change in our name and logo. As we continue the transition, you’ll begin to see the name change on statements, marketing materials and other documents.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my accounts today or need help with a product or service I currently use?

Please continue to work with your current banker or relationship manager and call the numbers you call now for support.

For general questions, you can also contact your customer care center:

If you bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you bank with UMB, please call:

  • UMB Commercial Banking 866.204.3913
  • UMB Personal Banking 800.860.4862
  • UMB Healthcare Services 866.520.4472

What happens to my data in this transition, like account and transaction history?

Right now, you should continue to access your accounts and account information the way you do today. As we complete the transition to UMB later in 2025, we’ll provide more details about how to access your accounts and what information will be available in the new systems.

How do I protect myself from fraud during times of transition?

Data security and privacy is a vital part of our commitment to customer service. We are especially mindful of this during times of transition and exercise careful planning and oversight. Please read these helpful tips on how to protect yourself from fraud:

Data Security
Your bank and UMB will never contact you to request or confirm confidential data like your account numbers, card numbers or Social Security number. We'll never request a live video call (e.g., FaceTime) to confirm fraudulent activity. And we’ll never ask for your debit card PIN or online credentials (usernames, passwords, access codes, etc.). Be sure to keep all your authentication information private and secure.

If someone contacts you claiming to represent UMB and something doesn’t seem right, don’t provide any information. Instead, please contact your current customer care center to verify that there is a legitimate reason for the contact.

If you currently bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you currently bank with UMB, please call:

  • UMB Commercial Banking 866.204.3913
  • UMB Personal Banking 800.860.4862
  • UMB Healthcare Services 866.520.4472

Data Privacy
Until the transition to UMB is complete later in 2025, HTLF Bank privacy policies will be in effect for customers of the following divisions: Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust.

For more information, please read the HTLF Privacy Policy and Disclosures.

Does this change how I bank at my branch? Can I bank at UMB branches now?

Please continue to bank where you bank today. While your bank branches are now part of UMB, they will continue to operate separately until we combine our technology and systems later in 2025. At this time, you cannot bank at UMB branches.

However, after the transition is complete, you can visit any UMB branch and conduct your transactions seamlessly.

Can I use UMB ATMs now?

Yes! You can use your existing debit card at any UMB ATM free of charge. * UMB also belongs to the Allpoint® ATM network. For a list of UMB ATMs, go to

UMB customers can also use their cards at available HTLF ATMs without a surcharge.

*Please note that HTLF customers will not have surcharge-free access to ATMs on the Allpoint Network until the system conversion later in 2025. You may also be charged a transaction fee when using Allpoint ATMs depending on your account type and the transaction type.

Are there any changes to my online banking?

For now, you continue to have access to the same online banking system and information you have today. However, you'll start to see UMB branding on certain online content and legal disclosures. We’ll keep you updated on any anticipated changes ahead of the system conversion slated for later in 2025.

What about my statements—will I continue to receive those at the same time?

Yes, your statements will continue to print, and eStatements will be posted at the same time each month. We’ll keep you updated on any anticipated changes ahead of the system conversion slated for later in 2025.

Does the interest rate on my CD change?

The interest rate on your existing CD stays the same until your CD matures. At the time of renewal, you will still receive your Renewal/Maturity Notice with information on how to determine the new rate and will have 10 days after the maturity date to withdraw the funds without penalty. If you choose the automatic renewal, your CD will then renew at the rate in effect at that time.

Will my deposits still be FDIC-insured?

Generally speaking, deposits held at HTLF Bank are separately insured from deposits at UMB Bank for six months after the merger, which occurred on February 1, 2025. This six-month grace period allows you the opportunity to restructure your accounts if necessary. For more information on FDIC insurance and to calculate ways to maximize your coverage per insured institution, visit

Will my loan number or payments change?

No, nothing has changed with your loan at this time. Please continue with your current payment plan and continue to make payments as you do today.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my accounts today or need help with a product or service I currently use?

Please continue to work with your current banker and call the numbers you call now for support.

For general questions, you can also contact your customer care center:

If you bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you currently bank with UMB, please call:

  • UMB Personal Banking 800.860.4862
  • UMB Healthcare Services 866.520.4472

FAQs about HTLF Wealth Services

How does this transition benefit me as an HTLF Wealth client?

After the conversion later in 2025, you will have access to an expansive suite of UMB Private Wealth resources, including:

  • Financial planning, estate/trust and charitable/philanthropy services
  • Additional investment solutions, including Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) and expanded Alternative Investments
  • Specialized expertise and advice, including a team dedicated to unique asset administration (such as property management) for fiduciary accounts (trust and estates).

Is there anything I need to do right now?

For most Wealth clients, there’s generally nothing you need to do right now. In the coming months, UMB will provide you with key information about how the new bank will serve you. You may also receive formal notifications related to the acquisition. These notifications will be specific to you and the types of accounts you currently have with HTLF.

What is changing for my Wealth accounts right now?

You’ll start to see UMB branding on documents, online content and certain legal disclosures.

For our HTLF Retirement Plan Services clients, we have discontinued the DB&T fund as part of continued evaluation of fund lineup changes for existing clients. If you have any questions about this change, please contact your current HTLF RPS advisor.

I have more questions about this acquisition and what it means for my Wealth accounts. Who can I talk to about that?

Please continue to contact your Wealth advisor to discuss any comments, questions or concerns you may have related to the acquisition. Your current advisor also remains your primary contact for your individual account needs and day-to-day business.

FAQs about HTLF Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

What does this transition mean for my HSA?

Please continue to use your HSA and access your account as you do today. However, exciting changes are on the way after the conversion later in 2025. At that time, you’ll have access to a variety of resources available from the UMB Healthcare Services (HCS) team.

UMB HCS delivers healthcare payment solutions, including custodial services for HSAs and private labels, multipurpose debit cards to insurance carriers, third-party administrators, software companies, employers and financial institutions.

As one of the first banks to offer HSAs, UMB has a deep understanding of the industry and the services that offer the most benefit to our customers. After conversion, you’ll gain access from expansive new HSA features, including:

An online account administration portal, so you can track expenses, submit receipts and access tax forms
Curated investment options for individuals whose HSAs meet minimum balance requirements
Account support from experienced UMB HCS customer service team

What’s not changing for my HSA?

Right now, please continue to use your existing account number and HSA card and to contact the same service team for support, just as you do today.

During the transition, you’ll continue to have a holistic account view and access to your HSA through your current online banking portal. Your account funds will continue to be FDIC-insured.

We’ll keep you updated on any anticipated changes with the conversion slated for later in 2025.

How do I protect myself from fraud during times of transition?

Data security and privacy is a vital part of our commitment to customer service. We are especially mindful of this during times of transition and exercise careful planning and oversight. Please read these helpful tips on how to protect yourself from fraud:

Data Security
Your bank and UMB will never contact you to request or confirm confidential data like your account numbers, card numbers or Social Security number. We'll never request a live video call (e.g., FaceTime) to confirm fraudulent activity. And we’ll never ask for your debit card PIN or online credentials (usernames, passwords, access codes, etc.). Be sure to keep all your authentication information private and secure.

If someone contacts you claiming to represent UMB and something doesn’t seem right, don’t provide any information. Instead, please contact your current customer care center to verify that there is a legitimate reason for the contact.

If you currently bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you currently bank with UMB, please call:

  • UMB Commercial Banking 866.204.3913
  • UMB Personal Banking 800.860.4862
  • UMB Healthcare Services 866.520.4472

Data Privacy
Until the transition to UMB is complete later in 2025, HTLF Bank privacy policies will be in effect for customers of the following divisions: Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust.

For more information, please read the HTLF Privacy Policy and Disclosures.

Does UMB have experience with business and commercial banking?

Known for offering “big bank opportunities with a small bank feel,” UMB has long-standing, trusted relationships with businesses across the U.S. Every business, regardless of size, has direct, personal access to a UMB client relationship manager. We have the ability to scale as our clients' businesses grow and advocate for them every step of the way.

With regional leadership and decision-making, we're also deeply committed to uplifting our local markets and community culture.

Does this change how I bank at my branch? Can I bank at UMB branches now?

Please continue to bank where you bank today. While your bank branches are now part of UMB, they will continue to operate separately until we combine our technology and systems later in 2025. At this time, you cannot bank at UMB branches.

However, after the transition is complete, you can visit any UMB branch and conduct your transactions seamlessly.

Can I use UMB ATMs now?

Yes! You can now use your existing debit card at any UMB ATM free of charge. UMB also belongs to the Allpoint® ATM network.* For a list of UMB ATMs, go to

UMB customers can also use their cards at available HTLF ATMs without a surcharge.

*Please note that HTLF customers will not have surcharge-free access to ATMs on the Allpoint Network until the system conversion later in 2025. You may also be charged a transaction fee when using Allpoint ATMs depending on your account type and the transaction type.

Is my online banking access or commercial credit card platform going to change?

For now, please continue to use your current online banking system and credit card platform, including EzBusiness and Visa Spend Clarity. Your username, password and access to the site are not changing at present. However, you'll start to see UMB branding on certain online content and legal disclosures. We’ll keep you updated on any changes as we approach the system conversion slated for later in 2025.

What about my statements—will I continue to receive those at the same time?

Yes, your statements will continue to print, and eStatements will be posted at the same time each month. We’ll keep you updated on any anticipated changes with the system conversion slated for later in 2025.

Will my loan number or payments change?

No, nothing changes with your loan at this time. Please continue with your current payment plan and continue to make payments as you do today.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my accounts today or need help with a product or service I currently use?

Please continue to work with your current banker and call the numbers you call now for support.

For general questions, you can also contact your customer care center:

If you bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you currently bank with UMB, please call: UMB Commercial Banking 866.204.3913

Will my deposits still be FDIC-insured?

Generally speaking, deposits held at HTLF Bank are separately insured from deposits at UMB Bank for six months after the merger, which occurred on February 1, 2025. This six-month grace period allows you the opportunity to restructure your accounts if necessary. For more information on FDIC insurance and to calculate ways to maximize your coverage per insured institution visit

How do I protect myself from fraud during times of transition?

Data security and privacy is a vital part of our commitment to customer service. We are especially mindful of this during times of transition and exercise careful planning and oversight. Please read these helpful tips on how to protect yourself from fraud:

Data Security
Your bank and UMB will never contact you to request or confirm confidential data like your account numbers, card numbers or Social Security number. We'll never request a live video call (e.g., FaceTime) to confirm fraudulent activity. And we’ll never ask for your debit card PIN or online credentials (usernames, passwords, access codes, etc.). Be sure to keep all your authentication information private and secure.

If someone contacts you claiming to represent UMB and something doesn’t seem right, don’t provide any information. Instead, please contact your current customer care center to verify that there is a legitimate reason for the contact.

If you currently bank at Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust, please call 833.982.0039.

If you currently bank with UMB, please call:

  • UMB Commercial Banking 866.204.3913
  • UMB Personal Banking 800.860.4862
  • UMB Healthcare Services 866.520.4472

Data Privacy
Until the transition to UMB is complete later in 2025, HTLF Bank privacy policies will be in effect for customers of the following divisions: Arizona Bank & Trust, Bank of Blue Valley, Citywide Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust (DB&T), First Bank & Trust Texas, Illinois Bank & Trust, Minnesota Bank & Trust, New Mexico Bank & Trust, Premier Valley Bank, or Wisconsin Bank & Trust.

For more information, please read the HTLF Privacy Policy and Disclosures.

Bank safely: Watch for scammers

Scammers often try to exploit business transitions, like acquisitions and mergers.

XWe'll never contact you to request or confirm confidential data like your account numbers, card numbers or Social Security number.  

XWe'll never request a live video call to confirm fraudulent activity.

XWe’ll never ask for your PINs, usernames, passwords or access codes.

If someone contacts you claiming to be your bank or UMB and asks for sensitive information — or something simply doesn’t seem right — stop contact and immediately call your typical customer service number.

Get to know UMB

Customer care
Your financial well-being is our priority.

Call 833.982.0039 with questions, concerns or any needs you may have during this transition.

Important details to help you prepare for this new experience: 

Your account number is changing

Effective Nov. 1, most account numbers are migrating to an 8-digit format. Your existing 6-digit account number will have 00 added to the end to create your new 8-digit account number.

For example, an existing account number of 111123 will be 11112300 starting Nov.1, 2021.

Some accounts will experience additional account number changes and, if this applies to any of your accounts, you will be notified prior to conversion.



You will receive a new user ID for access to UMB TotalWealth

If you are currently an Investment Direct user, you will receive a new user ID to help you establish your credentials for UMB TotalWealth. Your user ID information will be sent to you the week of October 25 and will be followed by a second communication providing your temporary password. You will need both your user ID and your temporary password to log in to your UMB TotalWealth dashboard.


You will receive a temporary password for access to UMB TotalWealth

If you are currently an Investment Direct user, you will receive a temporary password that you will need to log in and create your new password for UMB TotalWealth. This communication will arrive on or about Nov. 1.


You will need to create UMB TotalWealth login credentials

If you are currently an Investment Direct user, on Nov. 1, when UMB TotalWealth is live, you will create your new credentials using the new user ID and the temporary password UMB sends you. The system will execute a multi-factor identity authentication as part of this set-up process to ensure only you can see your account information.


UMB 360Direct access will not change

If you are a UMB 360Direct user, you will log in to that system as you have in the past.


Download your historical statements from Investment Direct

If you are currently an Investment Direct user, we encourage you to log in to Investment Direct and download any historical data you would like for your records. Your Investment Direct access will end Jan. 31, 2022 and information from Investment Direct will not transfer to UMB TotalWealth. However, you can contact your UMB Relationship Team to access account records at any time after this date.

Important Dates to Remember

Additional Resources

If you have any questions or need more information, we also encourage you to reach out the your UMB Relationship Team.

In a landmark merger that will help us better serve your financial needs, now and in the future, HTLF Bank has joined UMB Bank.

Our two companies are known for their relationship focus, community commitment and exceptional service. As we merge, you can expect more — more resources, more options, more investment and more support.  

© 2025 UMB Financial Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Bank deposit products provided by UMB Bank n.a., Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender  

When you click links marked with the   symbol, you will leave UMB's website and go to websites that are not controlled by or affiliated with UMB. We have provided these links for your convenience. However, we do not endorse or guarantee any products or services you may view on other sites. Other websites may not follow the same privacy policies and security procedures that UMB does, so please review their policies and procedures carefully.

HTLF Bank joins
UMB Bank

Bank as usual while we transition

For now, the banking experience remains the same for most customers. We will update you on any changes as we continue our transition in 2025.


Accounts, checks, debit and credit cards, and services like direct deposit and automated payments remain the same for most customers. We'll notify customers separately if there are any changes.


Continue to access your accounts as usual, including online banking and your banking app.


Continue to work with your current branch, private banker, wealth advisor, relationship manager, or customer care center.

Branches and ATMs

Your branch hours remain the same, and you can continue to use your current ATM network.

Once we merge, you'll have access to:

Even more banking options 
Bank at over 200 more ATMs and branches and access even more investment, business and commercial banking solutions with the full suite of UMB financial solutions.

National strength, local service 
With local decision-making and access to leadership, we provide the financial services of a national bank with the customer focus and relationships of a community bank.

Strong community connections
We're dedicated to supporting the communities in which we live and work through donations, volunteerism, civic commitments and philanthropy. We look forward to building and strengthening community relationships. 


FDIC logo

FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

For now, the banking experience remains the same for most customers. We will update you on any changes as we continue our transition in 2025.

A look at our new company

UMB is excited to build upon HTLF Bank's success and become even more ingrained as a financial steward and community advocate. UMB is a fourth generation-led, regionally focused bank deeply invested in, and involved with, its community neighborhoods.

Important information

We're here to help answer questions about your bank’s transition to UMB.